BigBoss News
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodities]
17th Feb: 23:00 Sun - 19:30 Mon
17th Feb: 01:00 Mon - 19:15 Mon
17th Feb: 23:00 Sun - 19:15 Mon
[CFD Indices]
17th Feb: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodities]
20th Jan: 23:00 Sun - 19:30 Mon
20th Jan: 23:00 Sun - 19:15 Mon
20th Jan: 01:00 Sun - 19:15 Sun
[CFD Indices]
20th Jan: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
≪All instruments≫
25th Dec 2024: *Closed
1st Jan 2025 : *Closed
※Except Cryptocurrency CFD & CRYPTOS
[CFD Commodities]
24th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 18:45 Tue
24th Dec 2024:01:00 Tue - 18:30 Tue
31th Dec 2024:01:00 Tue - 19:30 Tue
24th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 18:30 Tue
[CFD Indices]
23th Dec 2024:23:00 Sun - 21:00 Mon
24th Dec 2024:*Closed
26th Dec 2024:*Closed
27th Dec 2024:00:15 Fri - 22:00 Fri
30th Dec 2024:23:00 Sun - 21:00 Mon
31th Dec 2024:*Closed
2nd Jan 2025:00:15 Thu - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 13:00 Tue
26th Dec 2024:*Closed
27th Dec 2024:01:00 Fri - 22:00 Fri
31th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 13:00 Tue
2nd Jan 2025:01:00 Thu - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 04:00 Tue
26th Dec 2024:*Closed
27th Dec 2024:01:15 Fri - 22:00 Fri
31th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 04:00 Tue
2nd Jan 2025:01:15 Thu - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2024:23:00 Mon - 18:15 Tue
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
14th May: 22:00 Mon - 19:00 Tue
15th May: *Closed
16th May: 01:15 Thu- 21:00 Thu
and appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding the server maintenance this weekend.
The amount of BigBoss Points (BBP) you can earn per lot of transactions varies depending on your status.
Also, for those who are logging into the BBQ app before the maintenance, the app will be automatically logged out .
If you need to operate transactions, please use the PC version or Web Trader of MT4/MT5.
Yet, the processing time for account opening, deposit and fund transfer may be longer than usual.
Also, BBP credit exchange and Gacha function on MyPage will not be available and the account history will not be updated during the maintenance.
if you have multiple accounts. But hereafter, the leverage would be adjusted based on a per-account basis (all accounts held).
but changes according to the sum of balances from the next business day.
Beginning in mid-October, a group of people have been engaged in activities that violate the Terms of Service and the Guidelines.
We are taking strict measures to deal with such activities, especially from the perspective of money laundering, such as lending account names and providing fake account documents.
BigBoss will not restrict the transactions and withdrawals of customers who have complied with the terms and guidelines.
However, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by delays in withdrawals due to account usage judgments during this period.
We strive to address any fraudulent activity or clusters of activity as soon as possible so that all parties would not be affected.
Currently, we have confirmed that not only BigBoss, but also several other FX brokers are affected by such activities, and we are taking action while sharing information within our industry.
In some circumstances, those who are considered to be a part of this group use social networking services such as Youtube and Twitter, and we will take strict measures through lawyers in those countries for actions that are deemed to be reputational damage in cases where statements have no basis in actual fact.
Business is currently under normal operation, and we will make every effort to continue our operations.
We look forward to your continued support for BigBoss.
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
3rd Oct: 22:00 Sun - 19:00 Mon
4th Oct: *Closed
5th Oct: 01:15 - 21:00
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
MetaQuotes, the publisher of MT4/MT5 application, has announced that new downloads of the MT4/MT5 application from the Apple App Store are now suspended.
Therefore, for customers who are using iOS (iPhone/iPad) and have NOT YET downloaded the MT4/MT5 application on your devices, you may use the [MT4 WebTrader] to login your MT4 accounts, and/or our official trading application [BigBoss QuickOrder (BBQ)] to login MT5 accounts.
[MT4 WebTrader]
[BigBoss QuickOrder (BBQ)]
Please note that customers who have already installed the MT4/MT5 application on their iOS devices, and those using PC and Android devices are not affected by the above suspension, and may use the application as usual.
MetaQuotes is currently working on the restoration and we would inform you of any updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
Thank you for your support.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
We are glad to inform you that the following BBP Gacha Prizes, released during the 2nd session of Gacha Release Campaign, would be available even after the campaign ended!
・BigBoss Coin (BBC) produced by BigBoss
・BBC Token Sale Participation Ticket
Besides the above BBC related prize, you may still get up to $5000 credit bonus from Gacha after the campaign period.
Don’t lose the chance to get more BBC!
The more you trade, the more you may win!
※BBC-related gacha prize would be available until the BBC Token Sale starts this Autumn.
※Please check on MyPage for the latest news about BBC Token Sales.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
Thank you for your support.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
Along with the official release of the cryptocurrency trading platform"CRYPTOS" on September 1, 2022, FOCREX services are scheduled to be phased out.
Please find the detailed schedule as below:
September 30, 2022: Order acceptance ends, only order cancellation are available
October 31, 2022: Forced cancellation of orders
*Login to FOCREX will still be possible for customers to export the transaction history.
For all FOCREX customers, please transfer all the funds to your CRYPTOS accounts.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused .
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
Thank you for your support.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
Effective from 1st September (Thursday), trading conditions in BigBoss including leverage was greatly eased, providing a better trading environment for all our traders.
Please refer to the details below:
★Maximum leverage is increased to 1,111:1
Regarding FX Major, the maximum leverage has been upgraded from 999:1 to 1,111:1
★Maximum leverage of FX Minor and CFD Metal is also 1,111:1
Before, the maximum leverage for FX Minor and CFD Metal was fixed at 100:1 and 50:1 respectively.
However, in response to requests from many customers the maximum leverage has also been upgraded from 999:1 to 1,111:1 for both currency groups.
★FX Exotic and CFD Index leverage is upgraded too!
The maximum leverage for both FX Exotic and CFD Index have also been upgraded from 50:1 to 100:1 (fixed).
*For N225_JPY, leverage is fixed at 200:1.
★Correspondence table of variable leverage system and Account Balance is updated
At BigBoss, we have a variable leverage system based on users’ balance.
From now on, the leverage will be changing according to the following:
For JPY accounts, we have greatly raised the account balance limit for maximum leverage.
◆ USD account
Account balance Leverage
$0~$19,999 1111:1
$20,000~$49,999 555:1
$50,000~$99,999 200:1
$100,000 and above 100:1
◆JPY account
Account balance Leverage
¥0~¥2,999,999 1111:1
¥3,000,000~¥4,999,999 555:1
¥5,000,000~¥9,999,999 200:1
¥10,000,000 and above 100:1
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
Thank you for your support.
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodities]
4th Sep: 22:00 Sun - 18:30 Mon
5th Sep: 0:00 - 17:15
4th Sep: 22:00 Sun - 17:15 Mon
[CFD Indices]
4th Sep: 22:00 Sun - 20:00 Mon
4th Sep: 22:00 Sun - 19:00 Mon
4th Sep: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
26th Aug: 22:00 Thu - 20:00 Fri
29th Aug: *Closed
30th Aug: 00:00 - 21:00
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
Our cryptocurrency trading platform FOCREX would be upgraded as "CRYPTOS".
"CRYPTOS" is currently available to our registered users exclusively as a β version, and would be released officially on September 1, 2022 (Thursday) to new users.
When a new user opens a FX account with BIgBoss, a CRYPTOS account will be opened as well.
Accordingly from this week, a CRYPTOS account will be automatically opened for those who have not yet owned one.
Once the CRYPTOS account has been opened, login information will be sent via email.
In addition, with the official release of the cryptocurrency trading platform"CRYPTOS",
FOCREX will no longer be accepting new account openings, and FOCREX services will be phased out.
Effective from September 1, 2022 (Thursday)
・New FOCREX account opening will be stopped
・Deposit to FOCREX account is unavailable
*Trading will remain possible
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
We continue to strive for better services and provide a more satisfying trading environment.
Thank you for your support.
Since January 26, 2022 (Wednesday), "Credit Card Selfie Registration System" has been introduced to enhance the safety and security of our customers’ deposits and withdrawals, as well as to ensure the soundness of our trading platform. When deposit by credit card, customers would have to register your credit card in advance.
In this "Credit Card Selfie Registration System", together with the card information, a selfie picture of customers holding the credit card has to be submitted.
Effective from August 3, 2022 (Wednesday), to further strengthen our security and customer protection, a selfie video, instead of a picture, has to be provided.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Your kind cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team at .
Regarding our Reorganization of Forex symbol groups (FX Major, FX Minor, FX Exotic) as announced on July 12, 2022, further rearrangement of two symbols would be made as follows:
▼ Target symbols
▼ Details
Moved from FX Minor to FX Major
Leverage changed from 100 times (fixed) to 999 times (variable)
Maximum lot changed from 20 Lot to 50 Lot
Due to the large transaction volume of the above two symbols, we would like to alleviate the trading conditions and move them to FX Major.
We apologize for the short notice.
Your kind understanding is much appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you for your continued support to BigBoss.
In order to improve the quality of our services, we would like to inform you that
effective from Tuesday, 12th July 2022,
CFDs (Metals, Index, Energy) will be added with new symbol names
and trading with the old CFD symbol names will be terminated as follows.
As shown below, some existing CFDs will be added with new symbol names,
while trading with the old names will be terminated according to the following details.
Old Name New Name
N225 > N225_JPY
UK100 > UK100_GBP
WS30 > DOW30_USD
Schedules of the changes on CFD sybmol names & termination of trading with old names
Date Details
12th Jul (Tuesday) ~ 29th Jul (Friday): Trading (new and close orders) with both new and old CFD symbol names are available
At Market Close on 29th Jul (Friday) : New order of old CFD symbol names will be stopped
1st Aug (Monday) ~ 12th Aug (Friday): Only close order of position(s) with old CFD symbol names onhold is available
At Market Close on 12th Aug (Friday): Any position(s) with old CFD symbol names onhold will be stopped out
Starting from 15th Aug (Monday): Trading (new and close orders) with old CFD symbol names is terminated
*For those who hold positions with the old CFD symbol names, please close the orders by 12th August, Friday.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any questions, please contact our support desk.
The trading time for the below products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
4th July: 22:00 Sun - 20:00 Mon
4th July: 01:15 Sun - 19:00 Mon
4th July: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
[CFD Commodities]
4th July: 22:00 Sun - 18:30 Mon
UK Brent
4th July: 0:00 - 17:15
US Crude
4th July: 22:00 Sun - 17:15 Mon
The trading time for the below product will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Index]
29th June: 22:00 Wed - 19:00 Thu
1st July: Closed*
4th July: 01:15 - 21:00
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
20th June: 22:00 Sun - 20:00 Mon
20th June: 22:00 Sun - 19:00 Mon
20th June: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
[CFD Commodities]
20th June: 22:00 Sun - 18:30 Mon
UK Brent
20th June: 00:00 - 17:15
US Crude
20th June: 22:00 Sun - 17:15 Mon
In order to provide more satisfying services to all our customers, we are glad to inform you of a brand new reward program, "BigBoss Point (BBP)".
What is “BigBoss Point (BBP)”?
"BigBoss Point (BBP)" will be distributed to users for each transaction on MT5 / MT4.
No extra application is required!
Simply by starting a trade, the Points will be calculated automatically.
The more you trade, the more you earn.
You may redeem the BBP to credit bonus in any of your accounts which can be used as equity on FX, through MyPage at any time. Bonus will be reflected immediately.
In the coming future, apart from credit bonus, we are going to provide other items for you to redeem with your BBP.
Please look forward to such a flexible reward program.
Trade now and earn BigBoss Points!
★ Click here for further details on BigBoss Point (BBP) ★
★ Check the BBP you earned from the dashboard on MyPage ★
* BigBoss points will not be counted for transactions with a position holding time of less than 10 minutes in a target account.
* Please note that BigBoss Points (BBP) and its redemption are not applicable to the accounts using cashback services.
In addition, we would introduce a new "Inactive User / Account Termination" system in September.
Further details will be announced soon.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
1st June : 22:00 Tue - 21:00 Wed
2nd June : 22:00 Wed - 19:00 Thu
3rd June : *Closed
6th June : 01:15 - 21:00
1st June : 22:00 Tue - 20:00 Wed
2nd June : *Closed
3rd June : *Closed
6th June : 00:00 - 21:00
In order to provide a better trading environment for our customers, we decided to terminate the Trading Bonus Program after a review of our existing user program system.
In place of the trading bonus, a new User Point Program will be launched in June 2022, in which customers can accumulate points according to their trades.
We truly appreciate your understanding.
Summary of Trading Bonus Program Termination
◆Trading Bonus Final Counting Period
May 29, 2022 (Sun) - June 4, 2022 (Sat)
◆Trading Bonus Final Distribution Date
June 6, 2022 (Mon)
Further details of our User Point program will be announced in early June 2022.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
30th May: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
30th May: 22:00 Sun - 19:00 Mon
30th May: 22:00 Sun - 20:00 Mon
[CFD Commodities]
30th May: 22:00 Sun - 18:30 Mon
30th May: 22:00 Sun - 17:15 Mon
30th May: 00:00 - 17:15
In order to provide a better trading environment, starting from May 6, 2022,
we would move forward the market close time by 5 minutes every Friday,
so as to avoid large slippage and unintended stop-outs due to large spreads during weekends when market liquidity is extremely low.
Details on the change of Market Close Time on Friday
◆Trading Time Starting from 6 May 2022 (GMT 0)
Mon to Thu: 21:05 - 21:00
Fri: 21:05 - 20:55
[CFD (Metal, Index, Energy)]
Mon to Thu: 22:00 - 21:00
Fri: 22:00 - 20:55
*There is no change to the trading time for Cryptocurrency CFDs on Friday
◆Target Account Type
All Account Types
◆Target Symbols
Forex、CFD (Metal, Index, Energy)
Should you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us at
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
6th May: 22:00 Thu - 19:00 Fri
9th May: *Closed
10th May: 01:15 - 21:00
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
29th April: 22:00 Thu - 19:00 Fri
2nd May: *Closed
3rd May: 01:15 - 21:00
29th April: 22:00 Thu - 20:00 Fri
2nd May: *Closed
3rd May: 00:00 - 21:00
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
15th April: *Closed
UK Brent
US Crude
15th April: *Closed
[CFD Indices]
15th April: *Closed
14th April: 22:00 Wed - 20:00 Thu
15th April: *Closed
18th April: *Closed
19th April: 00:00 Tue - 21:00 Tue
14th April: 22:00 Wed - 20:00 Thu
15th April: *Closed
18th April: *Closed
19th April: 00:15 Tue - 21:00 Tue
14th April: 22:00 Wed - 19:00 Thu
15th April: *Closed
18th April: *Closed
19th April: 01:15 Tue - 21:00 Tue
Thank you for trading with BigBoss.
We would like to inform you about the updates on trading Terms & Conditions for Cryptocurrency CFD trading under Standard accounts.
Effective from 11 April 2022 (Monday), for a new order of short-term trading on all 30 Crypto Symbols that newly opened position(s) is settled within 5 minutes,
an extra 0.2% one-way Short-Term Trading Commission (0.4% for round-trip) will be charged.
We appreciate your kind understanding.
Details on Cryptocurrency CFD Short-Term Trading Commission
◆ Target Account Types
Standard Account and MASS Standard Account
◆ Target Symbols
All 30 Cryptocurrency CFDs
◆ Effective Date and Time of Short-Term Trading Commission
Starting from the market open on April 11, 2022 (00:05 GMT +0)
◆ Short-Term Trading Commission Calculation
one-way 0.2% on the trading amount (0.4% for round-trip)
◆ Condition of charing Short-Term Trading Commission
For positions closed within 5 minutes after entry
※Short-Term Trading Commission will not be charged for positions held for more than 5 minutes after its entry.
※On MT4 trading history, the Short-Term Trading Commission will be shown under [Commission] when placing a new order of the target symbols. However, if the position holding time exceeds 5 minutes, the Short-Term Trading Commission will not be charged or reflected in the profit or loss of your trade.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
4th April: 22:00 Sun - 19:00 Mon
5th April: *Closed
6th April: 01:15 Wed - 21:00 Wed
BigBoss is pleased to announce that the next generation of MT4, "MT5 (MetaTrader5)" will be released in April 2022.
MT5 equips all the pioneering features of MT4, that the operating speed has been significantly improved.
In addition, the functionality has been further improved, including the enchanced back test function and the increase in types of chart time axes etc.
With the release of MT5, BigBoss official trading application "BigBoss QuickOrder" will also be released.
BigBoss original trading application would be favourable for all traders,
that we offer easy trading on iPhone and Android smartphones, and the enchanced intuitive interface as well as a full range of free analytical tools.
We hope you are looking forward to the release.
■ BigBoss MT5 Demo account
Account opening available starting from April 11, 2022 (Monday)
■ BigBoss MT5 Live Account
Account opening available starting from April 25, 2022 (Monday)
■ BigBoss Official Trading App "BigBoss QuickOrder"
Release on April 25, 2022 (Monday)
※Standard account and Pro Spread account are available on MT5.
If you have any questions, please contact our support desk.
BigBoss are going to have maintenance on the following dates and times.
[Maintenance Schedule]
Starting from 10:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, 12th March 2022 (GMT +0)
※End time might be extended.
[Designated servers]
During maintenance, deposits and withdraws, any service regarding using MT4, including but not limited to MT4 login, and trading(live and demo accouts) will not be available.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Starting from 14th March 2022 (Mon), the market trading time will change to Summer Time.
(The following table is listed as GMT 0)
21:05 (Sun) - 21:00 (Mon)
21:05 (Mon) - 21:00 (Tue)
21:05 (Tue) - 21:00 (Wed)
21:05 (Wed) - 21:00 (Thu)
21:05 (Thu) - 21:00 (Fri)
[CFD (Metal, Index, Energy)]
22:00 (Sun) - 21:00 (Mon)
22:00 (Mon) - 21:00 (Tue)
22:00 (Tue) - 21:00 (Wed)
22:00 (Wed) - 21:00 (Thu)
22:00 (Thu) - 21:00 (Fri)
[CFD (Cryptocurrency)]
21:05 (Sun) - 21:00 (Mon)
21:05 (Mon) - 21:00 (Tue)
21:05 (Tue) - 21:00 (Wed)
21:05 (Wed) - 21:00 (Thu)
21:05 (Thu) - 21:00 (Fri)
21:05 (Fri) - 21:00 (Sat)
21:05 (Sat) - 21:00 (Sun)
Following the adoption of standard time in US, the time displayed on MT4 will be adjusted to summer time (GMT +3).
For customers who need to change their time setting for EA and other indicators, please arrange accordingly.
Dear Customers,
In light of the unstable situation in Ukraine,
It has become difficult to maintain the liquidity of the Russian Ruble.
As a result, the following symbols related to the Russian Ruble are temporarily not available for new orders,
while settlement orders (close orders) are still available.
[Symbols subject to new order suspension (close-only)]
Standard Account
Pro Spread Account
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to you.
Thank you for your understanding.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
21st February: 23:00 Sun - 19:30 Mon
US Crude
21st February: 23:00 Sun - 19:15 Mon
[CFD Indices]
21st February: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
BigBoss is going to have system maintenance of the MT4 servers on the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
Starting from 01:00 a.m. on Saturday, 12th February 2022 until 03:00 p.m. on Sunday, 13th February 2022 (GMT +0)
※End time varies depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, all transactions among Forex, CFD(Metal, Index, Energy) as well as Cryptocurrency CFDs,
and DEMO account opening.
In addition, deposits to the MT4 accounts and the fund transfers will not be reflected.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
31st January: 23:00 Sun - 04:00 Mon
1st February: *Closed
2nd February: *Closed
3rd February: *Closed
4th February: 01:15 Fri - 22:00 Fri
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
17th Januay: 23:00 Sun - 19:30 Mon
US Crude
17th Januay: 23:00 Sun - 19:15 Mon
[CFD Indices]
17th Januay: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
In order to provide you with a better trading environment,
we have significantly revised our CFD spread settings and narrowed the spread settings of all symbols under CFD Index, CFD Metal and CFD Energy.
You can now trade the attractive CFDs products under a standard account at BigBoss.
Hope you take this opportunity and enjoy your CFDs trading with BigBoss.
BigBoss is going to have system maintenance of the MT4 servers on the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
Starting from 02:00 a.m. on Saturday, 25th December 2021 until 06:00 p.m. on Sunday, 26th December 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time varies depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, all transactions among Forex, CFD(Metal, Index, Energy) as well as Cryptocurrency CFDs,
and DEMO account opening.
In addition, deposits to the MT4 accounts and the fund transfers will not be reflected.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading Time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
23rd Dec 2021: 22:05 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: 22:05 Thu - 22:00 Fri
27th Dec 2021: 22:05 Sun - 22:00 Mon
[CFD Commodities]
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: *Closed
27th Dec 2021: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
UK Brent
23rd Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
24th Dec 2021: *Closed
27th Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
US Crude
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: *Closed
27th Dec 2021: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
[CFD Indices]
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: *Closed
27th Dec 2021: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 13:00 Fri
27th Dec 2021: *Closed
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 21:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: *Closed
27th Dec 2021: 00:15 - 22:00
23rd Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 04:00 Fri
27th Dec 2021: *Closed
[Crypto CFDs]
23rd Dec 2021: 22:05 Wed - 22:00 Thu
24th Dec 2021: 22:05 Thu - 22:00 Fri
25th Dec 2021: 22:05 Fri - 22:00 Sat
26th Dec 2021: 22:05 Sat - 22:00 Sun
27th Dec 2021: 22:05 Sun - 22:00 Mon
【New Year Holiday】
28th Dec 2021: 22:05 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 22:05 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 22:05 Wed - 22:00 Tue
31st Dec 2021: 22:05 Tue - 22:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: 22:05 Sun - 22:00 Mon
4th Jan 2022: 22:05 Mon - 22:00 Tue
[CFD Commodities]
28th Dec 2021: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 23:00 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 22:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
4th Jan 2022: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
UK Brent
28th Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
29th Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
30th Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
31st Dec 2021: 01:00 - 19:45
3rd Jan 2022: 01:00 - 22:00
4th Jan 2022: 01:00 - 22:00
US Crude
28th Dec 2021: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 23:00 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 22:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
4th Jan 2022: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
[CFD Indices]
28th Dec 2021: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 23:00 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 22:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: 23:00 Sun - 22:00 Mon
4th Jan 2022: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
28th Dec 2021: *Closed
29th Dec 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 13:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: *Closed
4th Jan 2022: 01:00 - 22:00
28th Dec 2021: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 23:00 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 21:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: *Closed
3rd Jan 2022: 00:15 - 22:00
4th Jan 2022: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
28th Dec 2021: 01:15 - 22:00
29th Dec 2021: 23:00 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 23:00 Wed - 22:00 Thu
31st Dec 2021: 23:00 Thu - 04:00 Fri
3rd Jan 2022: 01:15 - 22:00
4th Jan 2022: 23:00 Mon - 22:00 Tue
[Crypto CFDs]
28th Dec 2021: 22:05 Mon - 22:00 Tue
29th Dec 2021: 22:05 Tue - 22:00 Wed
30th Dec 2021: 22:05 Wed - 22:00 Tue
31st Dec 2021: 22:05 Tue - 22:00 Fri
1st Jan 2022: 22:05 Fri - 22:00 Sat
2nd Jan 2022: 22:05 Sat - 22:00 Sun
3rd Jan 2022: 22:05 Sun - 22:00 Mon
4th Jan 2022: 22:05 Mon - 22:00 Tue
※FOCREX is not available on Christmas and New Year Holiday.
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 01:00 a.m. until 03:00 a.m. on Saturday, 11th December 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, transactions and DEMO account opening.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 05:00 a.m. until 07:00 a.m. on Saturday, 4th December 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins and transactions.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
25th November: 23:00 Wed - 18:00 Thu
26th November: 23:00 Thu - 18:45 Fri
UK Brent
25th November: 01:00 Thu - 17:45 Thu
26th November: 01:00 Fri - 18:30 Fri
US Crude
25th November: 23:00 Wed - 17:45 Thu
26th November: 23:00 Thu - 18:30 Fri
[CFD Indices]
25th November: 23:00 Wed - 18:00 Thu
26th November: 23:00 Thu - 18:15 Fri
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, 6th November 2021 until 01:00 a.m. on Sunday, 7th November 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, transactions and DEMO account opening.
After the maintenance, the time displayed on MT4 will be adjusted to winter time (GMT +2).
For customers who need to change their time setting for EA and other indicators, please arrange accordingly.
Starting from 7th November 2021 (Sun), the market trading time will change to Winter Time.
(The following table is listed as GMT 0)
22:05 (Sun) - 22:00 (Mon)
22:05 (Mon) - 22:00 (Tue)
22:05 (Tue) - 22:00 (Wed)
22:05 (Wed) - 22:00 (Thu)
22:05 (Thu) - 22:00 (Fri)
[CFD (Metal, Index, Energy)]
23:00 (Sun) - 22:00 (Mon)
23:00 (Mon) - 22:00 (Tue)
23:00 (Tue) - 22:00 (Wed)
23:00 (Wed) - 22:00 (Thu)
23:00 (Thu) - 22:00 (Fri)
[CFD (Cryptocurrency)]
22:05 (Sun) - 22:00 (Mon)
22:05 (Mon) - 22:00 (Tue)
22:05 (Tue) - 22:00 (Wed)
22:05 (Wed) - 22:00 (Thu)
22:05 (Thu) - 22:00 (Fri)
22:05 (Fri) - 22:00 (Sat)
22:05 (Sat) - 22:00 (Sun)
Following the adoption of standard time in US, the time displayed on MT4 will be adjusted to winter time (GMT +2).
For customers who need to change their time setting for EA and other indicators, please arrange accordingly.
Dear customers
We would like to inform you that the old cryptocurrency CFD pairs included in the currency pair group "Crypto OLD”will be terminated on October 31, 2021, after a review of our cryptocurrency CFD products.
We sincerely appreciate all investors' understanding.
Summary of the termination of trading in the currency pair group "Crypto OLD"
【List of cryptocurrency CFDs' currency pair to be terminated】
All 9 currency pairs in the Currency Pair Group "Crypto OLD"
【Closing time for all 9 currency pairs of "Crypto OLD"】
◆Closing time for new orders
Implementation Date: Sunday, October 31st, 2021, 21:00 (GMT+0)
※Starting from the above date and time, any new orders from the 9 currency pairs included in the currency pair group "Crypto OLD" will not be available.
While close order is still available.
◆Closing time for close orders
Implementation Date: Wednesday, November 10th, 2021, 03:00 (GMT+0)
※If you are trading in any of the 9 currency pairs included in the currency pair group "Crypto OLD",
please make sure to close all of those orders before the above date and time.
※We will close your orders if you are still holding any position(s) beyond the above closing time.
Besides, under the currency pair group "Cryptocurrency", there are curenncy pairs that are compatible with "Crypto OLD".
We hope you will take this opportunity to try trading Cryptocurrency CFDs' pairs under the currency pair group "Cryptocurrency".
▼For more information about Cryptocurrency CFDs, please click on the link below.
If you have any questions, please contact our support desk.
Thank you for your continuous support.
From Monday, October 25, 2021, the swap rules for cryptocurrency CFD products will be changed from the interest rate swap method to the rolling fee method reflecting the cost to balance the gaps between ask and bid in every 8 hours 3 times a day.
Details of the Rolling Fee Method
◆Date of change to the rolling fee method
From the market open on Monday, October 25, 2021 (at 21:05 GMT +0)
◆Timing when swap points are reflected on CFD for cryptocurrencies
Swap points will be reflected 3 times a day by the following time sections (GMT+0).
・ 4:05
・ 12:05
・ 20:05
◆Account types available for trading cryptocurrency CFDs
Standard account, MASS standard account
※Please refer to the followings about swap points for each currency pair.
・Current Swap Points table in the webpage of "About BigBoss's Swap"
・“Specification” of each currency pair in MT4
※If you have been holding positions in cryptocurrency CFDs since before Monday, October 25, 2021,
please be awared that swap points will be reflected by the rolling fee method starting from October 25 when the swap rule is changed.
※As a result of the change to the rolling fee method, swap points for cryptocurrency CFDs would also be reflected on Saturdays and Sundays.
Therefore, at the end of the session time on Wednesday, swap points for three-day amounts including weekends’would not be reflected.
▼For more information about swap points, please refer to the following page.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
13th October: 22:00 Tue - 19:00 Wed
14th October: *Closed
15th October: 01:15 Fri - 21:00 Fri
The minimum amount of BTC withdrawal will be changed as below:
Minimum Withdrawal Amount:0.002BTC
Minimum Withdrawal Amount:0.004BTC
【Change Date】
6:00 7th October, 2021 (GMT+0)
If you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Support Team by
We regret to inform you that our website was not accessible from 14:25 to 18:50 (GMT+0) on 29 September (Thur), 2021.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this situation.
The problem has now been resolved and we are operating normally.
Subject to access failure: Homepage, My Page, Partner Page
Temporarily high traffic account for the access failure.
It led to an internal error in the program which functions the display of information.
We have not suffered from any external attack or computer virus.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any inquiries regarding the trading during that period of time, please contact our Customer Support Team by
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
30th September: 22:00 Wed - 19:00 Thu
1st October: *Closed
4th October: 01:15 Mon - 21:00 Mon
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
21st September: 22:00 Mon - 19:00 Tue
22nd September: *Closed
23rd September: 01:15 Thu - 21:00 Thu
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
6th September: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
UK Brent
6th September: 00:00 Mon - 16:45 Mon
US Crude
6th September: 22:00 Sun - 16:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
6th September: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 11:00 p.m. on Friday, 27th August 2021 until 01:00 a.m. on Saturday, 28th August 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, transactions and DEMO account opening.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
27th August: 22:00 Thu - 20:00 Fri
30th August: *Closed
31st August: 00:00 Tue - 21:00 Tue
Dear customer,
We will review our settings and arrangements for MT4 server LIVE#1 to provide a better service and trading system.
Starting from July 16th, 2021 (Friday), services like deposit, withdrawal, transfer, and trading will no longer available for MT4 server LIVE#1.
※#LIVE2-5 servers will be operating as usual.
Details on setting reviews and arrangements for MT4 LIVE 1 server
[MT4 server LIVE#1 trading end time (GMT +0)]
July 16th, 2021 (Friday) 03:00 a.m.
[Designated account numbers and server]
MT4 account number:10-digit account number starting with 1010
MT4 server:BIGBOSSHoldings-LIVE
[MT4 server LIVE#1 login ending time]
Until July 30th, 2021 (Friday)
※Download for trading reports will be available until July 30th, 2021 (Friday)
※You can check your trading history from MyPage after July 31st, 2021 (Saturday)
Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 11:00 p.m. on Friday, 16th July 2021 until 01:00 a.m. on Saturday, 17th July 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, transactions and DEMO account opening.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
5th July: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
UK Brent
5th July: 00:00 Mon - 16:45 Mon
US Crude
5th July: 22:00 Sun - 16:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
5th July: 22:00 Sun - 17:00 Mon
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
30th June: 22:00 Tue - 19:00 Wed
1st July: *Closed
2nd July: 01:15 Fri - 21:00 Fri
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
11th June: 22:00 Thu - 19:00 Fri
14th June: *Closed
15th June: 01:15 Tue - 21:00 Tue
BigBoss is going to have the system maintenance on the MT4 servers by the following date and times.
【Maintenance Schedule】
From 11:00 p.m. on Friday, 4th June 2021 until 01:00 a.m. on Saturday, 5th June 2021 (GMT +0)
※End time may vary depending on the maintenance progress.
The following MT4 servers are subject to maintenance.
During the maintenance, MT4 services of the above servers will not be available including account logins, transactions and DEMO account opening.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
31st May: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
UK Brent
31st May: 01:00 Mon - 17:45 Mon
US Crude
31st May: 23:00 Sun - 17:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
31st May: 23:00 Sun - 18:00 Mon
28th May: 23:00 Thu - 21:00 Fri
31st May; *Closed
1st June: 01:00 Tue - 22:00 Tue
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
18th May: 22:00 Mon - 19:00 Tue
19th May: *Closed
20th May: 01:15 Thu - 21:00 Thu
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
30th April: 22:00 Thu - 20:00 Fri
3rd May: *Closed
4th May: 00:00 Tue - 21:00 Thu
Please be informed that the minimum amount of BTC withdrawal will be changed as below:
Minimum withdrawal amount:0.001BTC
Minimum withdrawal amount:0.002BTC
6:00 6th April, 2021 (GMT+0)
Please feel free to contact our support desk for details.
For the accounts with a balance of less than $20,000 (less than ¥2,000,000), the Maximum leverage will increase to 999:1.
【Change Date】
31st Mar 2021 (Thu) 21:05~ (GMT +0)
【Leverage Settings】
The leverage is set in proportion to the account balance.
◆USD accounts
Balance Leverage
$0 - $19,999 999:1
$20,000 - $49,999 555:1
$50,000 - $99,999 200:1
$100,000 and above 100:1
◆JPY accounts
Balance Leverage
¥0 - ¥1,999,999 999:1
¥2,000,000 - ¥4,999,999 555:1
¥5,000,000 - ¥9,999,999 200:1
¥10,000,000 and above 100:1
【Leverage Update Time】
Summer Time: 21:05 (GMT +0) everyday
Winter Time: 22:05 (GMT +0) everyday
*The leverage will update based on the Balance at the End of day.
【Eligible Account Type】
Standard Account, ProSpread Account, MASS Standard Account, CryptoECN Account
【Eligible Server】
Server Live#1-#5, DEMO#2 (not including the DEMO#1 server)
【Applicable Currency Pairs】
Forex Major, Some Forex Minor (AUDCAD, GBPCAD, GBPNZD)
【NOT Applicable Currency Pairs】
・Some Forex Minor(USDRUB, USDTRY, USDZAR):Leverage fixed as 50:1
・CFD (Metal, Index, Energy):Leverage fixed as 50:1
・Cryptocurrency:Leverage fixed as 20:1
※Above rules applied to all existing accounts
For more details, please feel free to contact our customer support.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
2nd April: *Closed
UK Brent
US Crude
2nd April: *Closed
[CFD Indices]
2nd April: 22:00 Thu - 13:15 Fri
1st April: 22:00 Wed - 20:00 Thu
2nd April: *Closed
5th April: *Closed
6th April: 00:00 Tue - 21:00 Tue
2nd April: *Closed
5th April: *Closed
6th April: *Closed
Starting from 15th March 2021 (Mon), the market trading time will change to Summer Time.
(The following table is listed as GMT 0)
21:05 (Sun) - 21:00 (Mon)
21:05 (Mon) - 21:00 (Tue)
21:05 (Tue) - 21:00 (Wed)
21:05 (Wed) - 21:00 (Thu)
21:05 (Thu) - 21:00 (Fri)
22:00 (Sun) - 21:00 (Mon)
22:00 (Mon) - 21:00 (Tue)
22:00 (Tue) - 21:00 (Wed)
22:00 (Wed) - 21:00 (Thu)
22:00 (Thu) - 21:00 (Fri)
MT4 time will be different depends on servers, please go to our FAQ page for more details.
For customers who need to change their time setting for EA and other indicators, please arrange accordingly.
BigBoss are going to have maintenance on the following dates and times.
[Maintenance Schedule]
00:00a.m. - 09:00a.m. Saturday, 13th March 2021 (GMT+0)
※End time might be extended.
[Designated servers]
During maintenance, deposits and withdraws, any service regarding using MT4, including but not limited to MT4 login, and trading(live and demo accouts) will not be available.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
14th February 23:00 Sun - 15th 18:00 Mon
US Crude
14th February 23:00 Sun - 15th 17:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
11th February 01:15 Thu - 11th 04:00 Thu
12th February *Closed
15th February *Closed
14th February 23:00 Sun - 15th 18:00 Mon
Starting from 18th Feb 2021, the leverage rules will change from the selection setting to the proportional balance setting.
【Change Date】
17th Feb 2021 (Wed) 22:05~ (GMT +0)
【Leverage Settings】
Leverage reset in proportion to the account balance.
◆USD accounts
Balance Leverage
Under $50,000: 555 times
Above $50,000: 200 times
Above $100,000: 100 times
◆JPY accounts
Balance Leverage
Under ¥5,000,000: 555 times
Above ¥5,000,000: 200 times
Above ¥10,000,000: 100 times
【Reset Timing】
The leverage is updated once a day and updated according to the account balance five minutes after the market close time.
The market close time:
Summertime: 21:05 (GMT +0) everyday
Wintertime: 22:05 (GMT +0) everyday
【Designated Account】
Standard Account, ProSpread Account, MASS Standard Account, CryptoECN Account
【Designated Server】
Server Live#1-#5 (not including DEMO server)
【Designated Trade Pairs】
Forex Major, Some Forex Minor (AUDCAD, GBPCAD, GBPNZD)
【Trade Pairs that are not eligible】
・Some Forex Minor(USDRUB, USDTRY, USDZAR):Leverage 50 times fixed
・CFD (Metal, Index, Energy):Leverage 50 times fixed
・Cryptocurrency:Leverage 20 times fixed
※Above rules applied to all existing accounts
For more details, feel free to contact our customer support.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
17th January 23:00 Sun - 18th 18:00 Mon
US Crude
17th January 23:00 Sun - 18th 17:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
17th January 23:00 Sun - 18th 18:00 Mon
Today, price cannot be refreshed and cannot order normolly during the below timing.
2021/01/06 06:27 ~ 2021/01/06 07:00(MT4 Time)
We feel sorry about the innconvience that we have caused.
Exchange rate distribution and chart display is normoally working right now.
About this malfunction, if you have anything that need our help,
please do not hesitate to contact us via the below email address.
Since the market is closed on 1/1/2021 (Friday),
our customer service will closed on that day.
Meanwhile, at the end and the beginning of the year, bank service will also closed.
Please be noticed that deposit and withdrawal will spend more time than weekdays.
The trading schedule of some products will change on Christmas and New Year.
(Below time is shown as GMT 0)
FX pairs
24th Dec 2020: 22:05(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 22:05(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
[CFD Commodity]
24th Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 18:45(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 23:00(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
UK Brent
24th Dec 2020: 01:00 - 18:30
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 01:00 - 22:00
US Crude
24th Dec 2020: 23:00(Thu) - 18:30(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 23:00(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
[CFD Indices]
24th Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 18:15(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 23:00(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
24th Dec 2020: 01:15 - 04:00
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: 01:15 - 18:45
24th Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 13:00(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: *Closed
28th Dec 2020: *Closed
Cryptocurrency FX(Cryptocurrency and USD pair)
24th Dec 2020: 22:05(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
25th Dec 2020: 22:05(Thu) - 22:00(Fri)
28th Dec 2020: 22:05(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
【New Year】
FX pairs
31st Dec 2020: 22:05(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021 : *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 22:05(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
[CFD Commodity]
31st Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021 : *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 23:00(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
UK Brent
31st Dec 2020: 01:00 - 19:45
1st Jan 2021 : *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 01:00 - 22:00
US Crude
31st Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021: *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 23:00(Sun)
- 22:00(Mon)
[CFD Indices]
31st Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021: *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 23:00(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
31st Dec 2020: 01:15 - 04:00
1st Jan 2021: *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 01:15 - 18:45
31st Dec 2020: 23:00(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021: *Closed
4th Jan 2021: 23:00(Mon) - 22:00(Mon)
Cryptocurrency FX(Cryptocurrency and USD pair)
31st Dec 2020: 22:05(Wed) - 22:00(Thu)
1st Jan 2021: 22:05(Thu) - 22:00(Fri)
4th Jan 2021: 22:05(Sun) - 22:00(Mon)
※FOCREX is not available on Christmas and New Year.
Dear Customers,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss!
[Maintenance Schedule]
02:00p.m. - 03:00p.m. Tuesday, 15th Dec 2020 (GMT+0)
※End time might be extended.
During the maintenance, services listed below will not be available.
Home page
Partner Page
FOCREX trading website
All FOCREX services
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
25th November 23:00 Wed - 26th 18:00 Thu
26th November 23:00 Thu - 27th 18:45 Fri
[CFD Indices]
25th November 23:00 Wed - 26th 18:00 Thu
26th November 23:00 Thu - 27th 18:45 Fri
Dear Customers,
Thank you for trading with BigBoss!
We are going to have maintenance on the weekend for the MT4 servers.
[Maintenance Schedule]
04:00a.m. - 08:00a.m. Saturday, 14th Nov 2020 (GMT+0)
※End time might be extended.
[Designated servers]
During the maintenance, LIVE#1, LIVE#2, and DEMO accounts will not be available for any logins and account opening.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
We have already canceled the leverage restriction,
and would like to inform you that we have reset your leverage to the previous setting.
This measure ensures our customer's fund and prepares for the uncertain circumstances of the US presidential election.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Many have guessed that the 3 November (local time) US presidential election's chaotic and delayed result will bring fluctuation to the FX market.
There will be possibilities that the spread will swing.
We are going to ensure our customers' funds by limiting the leverage from 3-4 November.
[Details of leverage limitation]
■Designated account types:All account types
■Designated symbol:Forex Major
■Leverage:100 times
■Period:3 November (market open time)~4 November (market close time)
※Depending on the situation, the limitation period might extend after 5 November.
BigBoss system maintenance will be performed on 31st October 2020 from 0:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. (GMT 0).
During maintenance, deposits and withdraws, any service regarding using MT4, including but not limited to MT4 login, and trading(live and demo accouts) will not be available.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Starting from 2nd November 2020 (Mon), the market trading time will change to winter time.
(The following table is listed as GMT 0)
22:05 (Sun) - 22:00 (Mon)
22:05 (Mon) - 22:00 (Tue)
22:05 (Tue) - 22:00 (Wed)
22:05 (Wed) - 22:00 (Thu)
22:05 (Thu) - 22:00 (Fri)
23:00 (Sun) - 22:00 (Mon)
23:00 (Mon) - 22:00 (Tue)
23:00 (Tue) - 22:00 (Wed)
23:00 (Wed) - 22:00 (Thu)
23:00 (Thu) - 22:00 (Fri)
MT4 time will be different depends on servers, please go to our FAQ page for more details.
For customers who need to change their time setting for EA and other indicators, please arrange accordingly.
Due to the change in the trading conditions of CFD Metal, starting from Monday 26th October,
the minimum trading unit will be changed as follow:
1. Currency pair:
2. Target Account:
Standard, ProSpread and MASS Standard
3. Minimum Trading Unit:
Before: 0.1 Lot
After: 0.01 Lot
Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
26th October *Closed
Due to the change in the trading conditions of NDX (US Tech 100), starting from Monday 12th October,
the contact size of 1 LOT of NDX will be changed, and the profit and loss change in 1 LOT of NDX will be one-tenth.
Contact size changed as below:
Before: 100 contract
After: 10 contract
Under the new trading condition, the adjustment of the profit and loss will be the same.
We will increase the ordered LOTs by ten times for those holding NDX positions.
Therefore, NDX transactions are temporarily restricted to closing orders only,
We will resume accepting new orders from next week.
Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
1st October *Closed
2nd October *Closed
BigBoss system maintenance will be performed on Sep 8th 2020 from 8:00 p.m. to 9:05 p.m. (GMT 0).
During maintenance, MT4 cannot be accessed.
While home page, Mypage and IB partner page are still accessible.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
6th September 22:00 Sun - 7th 17:00 Mon
UK Brent
7th September 00:00 Mon - 7th 16:45 Mon
US Crude
6th September 22:00 Sun - 7th 16:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
6th September 22:00 Sun - 7th 17:00 Mon
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following time is GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
31st Aug *Closed
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
2nd July 22:00 Thu - 3rd 17:00 Fri
UK Brent
3rd July 00:00 Fri - 3rd 16:45 Fri
US Crude
2nd July 22:00 Thu - 3rd 16:45 Fri
[CFD Indices]
2nd July 22:00 Thu - 3rd 17:00 Fri
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
25th June *Closed
1st July *Closed
Due to the turbulence in the oil market,
we have been stopped all new orders towards subject CFD
(UK Brent and US Crude) recently.
The market reopens from today, and it is available to do the trading.
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Bigboss system maintenance will be performed on May 30 2020 from 0:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. (GMT 0).
During maintenance, home page, Mypage, IB partner page and MT4 cannot be accessed.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Bigboss system maintenance will be performed on May 23 2020 from 0:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (GMT 0).
During maintenance, home page, Mypage, IB partner page and MT4 cannot be accessed.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
24th May 22:00 Sun - 25th 17:00 Mon
UK Brent
25th May 00:00 Mon - 25th 16:45 Mon
US Crude
24th May 22:00 Sun - 25th 16:45 Mon
[CFD Indices]
24th May 22:00 Sun - 25th 17:00 Mon
25th May *Closed
25th May 01:15 Mon - 25th 08:45 Mon
Bigboss system maintenance will be performed on May 9 2020 from 0:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (GMT 0).
During maintenance, home page, Mypage, IB partner page and MT4 cannot be accessed.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following time is GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
8th May *Closed
The trading time for some products will change during the subject event.
(The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
30th April *Closed
1st May *Closed
There will a scheduled system maintenance for Bigboss from 0:00 on April 25 to 2:00 on April 25 2020 (GMT 0).
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
we are stopping all new orders towards subject CFD
(UK Brent and US Crude), and will only open for closing orders.
from the price fluctuations in the oil market.
The trading time for some products will change during the Easter holiday. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
MT4 Trading Hours change due to summer time switch.
Click here for more information
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
The trading time for some products will change during the terms. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
Announcement of Trading Time Change for HK Lunar New Year Holiday
The trading time for some products will change during the terms. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Indices]
Announcement of Trading Time Change for US Martin Luther King Day on 20th January 2020
The trading time for some products will change during the terms. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
Announcement of Trading Time Change during Christmas Holiday Period and New Year Holiday Period
The trading time for some products will change during the terms. (The following times are GMT 0)
Christmas Holiday Period
[FX]All FX Instruments
* FX pairs with exceptional hours
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
All Crypto Instruments
New Year Holiday Period
[FX]All FX Instruments
* FX pairs with exceptional hours
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
All Crypto Instruments
100% Deposit Bonus Campaign
Click here for more information
MT4 Trading Hours change due to winter time switch.
Click here for more information
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Along with the newest update of the Mac OS, Bigboss MT4 (Mac ver.) is currently not available for 「macOS Catalina」.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
MT4 for Mac is released
Campaign for all new users
Period : 12 August 2019 - 30 September 2019
Announcement of Trading Time Change From Jul 3rd to Jul 4th
The trading time for some products will change from Jul 3rd to Jul 4th. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]XAGUSD
[CFD Indices]
Bigboss launches deposit cooperation with BXONE
Announcement of Trading Time Change From July 1st
The trading time for some products will change from July 1st.
[CFD Indices]
Announcement of Trading Time Change From June 7th
The trading time for some products will change from June 7th.
[CFD Indices]
There will be scheduled homepage maintenance during the following period.
Period:June 2nd, 2019 15:00~21:00 (GMT)
※Maintenance time might vary depending on working process.
We apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.
Users can still trade on MT4 during the maintenance.
However, BigBoss homepage will not be able to access, and all the services will be affected, including account opening, deposit, and withdrawal.
Announcement of Trading Time Change From May 26th to May 27th
The trading time for some products will change from May 26th to May 27th. (The following times are GMT 0)
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
Announcement of Trading Time Change during Easter Holiday
The trading time for some products will change during the Easter holiday. (The following times are GMT 0)
[FX]All FX Instruments
* FX pairs with exceptional hours
[CFD Commodity]
[CFD Indices]
All Crypto Instruments
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal and tradings on MT4 will be out of service during the maintenance.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Although the access to the homepages of Bigboss and FOCREX will be temporarily unavailable and the account opening and deposit and withdrawal will be out of service during the maintenance, it is still possible to trade on your MT4.
Sorry for the incontinence caused.
Start 100% Bonus
Period: 5-31 December 2018
※Please click on 'MyPage (Login)' on the top of this page to proceed for loggingin.